Thanks to Oyster Harbors Club, Osterville, MA.
As we enter our second decade of this Tournament, we at NAMI continue to educate, support, and advocate for mental wellness through partnerships with families and community resources in the building of mentally healthy lives throughout Cape Cod and the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. All of our programming is free.
In any given year, at least one out of four people suffers from some form of mental health issue.
In our mission to support, educate, and advocate, we deal with a growing number of individuals and families connecting them to needed services, educating them about mental health, and working with agencies and lawmakers to improve the laws that govern these services. We have also introduced community programming for law enforcement personnel, educators, and social service professionals.
The Siobhan Leigh Kinlin Memorial Golf Tournament is NAMI CC&I’s largest annual fundraiser and furnishes resources enabling us to operate and staff our Cape and Islands headquarters in Hyannis. Your support will enable us to expand and more fully develop our programming, increasing our positive impact on our Cape and Islands community.
We are grateful for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday, May 13th, 2024 at beautiful Oyster Harbors.
Oyster Harbors Club, Osterville, MA
Monday, May 13, 2024
Registration begins at 11:00 AM
Shotgun start at 1:00 PM

The Siobhan Leigh Kinlin Memorial Golf Tournament is a major fundraiser for NAMI Cape Cod and the Islands in memory of Siobhan Leigh Kinlin, a young woman whose life came to a tragic end as the result of mental illness.
Since 2011, the Kinlin family with friends and business associates have dedicated themselves to building this special event in support of NAMI CC & I. Kerry Arnett initiated the inception of the annual golf tournament in 2009 in memory of her sister Kris, who also lost her life to suicide. She and her family dedicated their time and efforts to help grow and build the foundation for the Annual Siobhan Memorial Golf Tournament.
The goal of NAMI is to provide education, support, and advocacy for those in need within our communities and to successfully combat the stigma of mental illness while encouraging understanding and compassion.
The tournament raises significant funding for the FREE programs NAMI Cape Cod and the Islands offers to the community.
Premier Sponsor – $25,000
- Two foursomes, gift, boxed lunch, cocktails, and after-tournament dinner event
- Banner at the tournament venue
- Recognition on all event signage
- Two free raffle tickets per guest
Presenting Sponsor – $20,000
- Two foursomes, gift, boxed lunch, cocktails, and after-tournament dinner event
- Recognition on event signage
- One free raffle ticket per guest
Platinum Sponsor – $10,000
- One foursome, gift, boxed lunch, cocktails, and after-tournament dinner event
- Recognition on event signage
Gold Sponsor – $5,000
- Two golfers, gift, boxed lunch, cocktails, and after-tournament dinner event
- Recognition on event signage
Silver Sponsor – $2,500
- Four complimentary tickets for cocktails and after tournament dinner event
- Recognition on event signage
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000
- Two complimentary tickets for cocktails and after tournament dinner event
- Recognition on event signage
Single Golfer – $600 / Foursome – $2,400
- Gift, boxed lunch, cocktails, and after-tournament dinner event
Golf Contest Sponsor – $600
- Signage at Putting Green or Driving Range
Tee or Green Sponsor – $350
- Signage at Tee or Green
Dinner and Auction only – $150
I Cannot Attend but would like to Donate
- Use the form at right or click the .pdf button below to Donate
Please read before filling out the form below.
- Please enter the Sponsorship Dollar Amount (ie: Bronze Sponsor $1,000) in the Appropriate Sponsorship Level Below*.
- Golfer/Golfers Please Enter $600/Per Golfer in the Single Golfer Field or $2,400 in the Foursome Field.
- Dinner Auction Only – Please Enter $150/Per Attendee.
*Premier Sponsor – $25,000
Presenting Sponsor – $20,000
Platinum Sponsor – $10,000
Gold Sponsor – $5,000
Silver Sponsor – $2,500
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000
Single Golfer – $600 / Foursome – $2,400
Golf Contest Sponsor – $600
Tee or Green Sponsor – $350
Dinner and Auction only – $150
2023 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Cape Cod Healthcare
Platinum Sponsors
BHHS / Robert Paul Properties
Charlie and Francie Crowley
John Fish / Suffolk Construction
Robert and Molly Tarr Charitable Foundation
Gold Sponsors
Bob and Rita Davis
Taylor Joyce
John Lasher, CBRE/Boston Consulting
Mullen Family Foundation
Gretchen Reilly
Joseph Swan
Silver Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flynn
Jack and June Heffernan
Mr. Carl Martignetti
Mr. Mike Prentiss
Bronze Sponsors
Bob and Donna Burke
BNY Mellon
Cape Cod 5
Richard P. Callahan
Dan and Linda Cummings
William and Denise Finard
Michael Fish / Dellbrook JKS
James and Jacqueline Lane
Thomas Lavigne
Thomas and Donna May
Mike and Kathy Marchese Family Fund
John V. and Kathleen Murphy
John and Nancy Murphy
Joseph and Katherine O’Donnell
Robert Pereira / Middlesex Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Zacharie and Louis Vinios
Putting Green Sponsor
Driving Range Sponsor
Palmer, Curtis, McAbee & Wood
Kimberly and Mark Collins
Paul Losordo
William Murphy
Doreve Nicholaeff
Henry Nieder
Kate Mullin
Clayton Southworth
Patrick and Lynn Sullivan
Steven and Roberta Weiner
Tee & Green Sponsors
Coxwain Media
Gill Devine, PC
Glivinski & Associates
Jere and Melissa Doyle
Joyce Landscaping
McDermott, Quilty & Miller
E.B. Norris & Son, Inc.
Sanders, Walsh & Eaton, LLP
Sunderland Printing
The Arnett Family “In Loving Memory of Kristine Arnett”
CMSC Driving School
Bayside Building, Inc.
Elizabeth and Dave Brooks “In Loving Memory of Siobhan Leigh Kinlin”
Bob and Rita Davis “In Loving Memory of Siobhan Leigh Kinlin”
Michael Stansky
Doug Bohannon
Marie Kelly
The sponsor list is current as of September 14, 2023
Honorary Chair
Robert Kinlin
Golf Committee
Donna Aucoin
Jere Doyle
Rob Kinlin
Robert Kinlin
Doug Mayo
NAMI CC&I Director Emeriti
Beverly Arnett
NAMI CC&I Executive Director
Jacqueline Lane
NAMI CC&I Directors
Donna Aucoin
Jean Challies
Kevin Dale, Esq
Frank Fredrickson
Manny Marrero
Glen Mathieu
David McGraw
James McGuire, MD
Craig T. Rockwood, Esq
David Tager, MD
Timothy Telman
Thank you to our directors and volunteers who make this event possible.